Thank you! - Your subscription to Plan 2 is now active.

First and foremost, welcome and thank you for choosing Simple Search Ads!  – Here is a quick run down of what will happen next:

  1.  We will set up accounts for your business with Google Ads™ and Microsoft™ (Bing and Yahoo) and take care of all the details needed to begin serving ads. The accounts are for us to manage, however they will be created on your behalf and we will email you access credentials once they are setup.
  2.  We will also create an account for you with Simple Search Ads and email your login information. This will give you access to our client support section.
  3. Within approximately 2 business days, we will create a list of market target areas for your business which we will ask you to prioritize.
  4. After our initial research and competition analysis (usually about 2 – 4 business days) we will write the copy for the ads and post them for you to review and suggest edits.
  5. Once all the ads are refined to your liking and approved by you, we will enter and configure them on Google Ads and Microsoft and prepare them to be made live.
The above information will also be emailed to you in our welcome kit.
Thank you for your business and choosing Simple Search Ads™! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.